Confidence - Expertise - Results
Is this programme for you?

I have some experience
I have some experience teaching English but I’d like to learn more strategies and help my learners in acquiring a second language in a more efficient way.

I'm a novice teacher
I’d like to start doing things right and really hit the ground running. I have no experience teaching English but I know I need to offer the best to my students.

I am a seasoned teacher.
I’ve been teaching English for many years but I feel I’m stuck in a comfort zone. I’ve been using the same teaching strategies for years now and desperatly need to learn new teaching frameworks.
What is waiting for you?
I’ll share with you what I learned in courses like TKT, Celta, Delta, FTBE and from courses in institutions like International House London and Pilgrims.
You’ll have support through our whatsapp group, an exclusive digital platform and a 24/7 reprise page where you’ll be able to rewatch our live sessions as many times as you wish up to 1 month after the end of our course. I’ll be by your side the entire programme.
I dont believe in one size fits all solutions. Therefore you’ll get all the personalised support in your journey with me.
Our whatsapp group is a place for knowledge sharing and life saving tips that will be posted by me and your peers.
Everything you’ll be exposed to is the result of years in the classroom and an uncountable number of courses attended and ELT books read. Everything shared in this programme can be used in your next lesson.
By using up-to-date teaching techniques you’ll be closer to having that unshakable confidence we all aspire to have as ELT professionals.
“It has been said that teachers who have been teaching for twenty years may be divided into two categories: those with twenty years’ experience and those with one year’s experience repeated twenty times.”
(Ur 1996: 317)
1st session-
Lesson frameworks and contextualisation
You'll learn lesson frameworks suitable for beginner and advanced students. You'll also get downloadable lesson plan templates for free 🙂
2nd session
covering meaning and form
What are efficient ways to contextualise a lesson? Is there a better tactic to cover language in a way that is more inducive to learning? We will delve into the above and many other questions in this session.

3rd Session
Covering pronunciation and activate stage
In this session we will bring into the open crucial components of pronunciation and teaching techniques which will help your students not only with their speaking but also with their listening development. Moreover, we'll delve into effective ways to teaching form.
4th session
Developing speaking sub-skills
It's been said that the practice is the most relevant moment of our lessons. We'll delve into ways of developing speaking sub-skills like appropriacy, turn-taking, repair and repetition, fluency and others in your free practice stage of the lesson.
5th session
Teaching reading and listening
When we teach receptive skills - reading and listening - our focus should be on developing students' reading or listening sub-skills. In this session we'll see practical ways of doing that.
6th session
Using songs in your classes
Songs can be a very rich resource for language teaching and learning. In this session, Henrique Zamboni will bring into the open how this kind of authentic material can be used in different ways and at different stages in your lessons.

7th Session
Teaching writing
Writing is often seen as the neglected skill in ELT. You'll learn two different yet effective ways of teaching writing, the product and process approach.
8th session
Error correction
When should we correct our learners? What strategies are more effective? When should we not correct them and why? This session will be based on my experience teaching students from a myriad of contexts and the studies conducted and/or compiled by Julian Edge and Richard Walton/Mark Bartram.
9th session -Online teaching and technology
In this session, we will talk about the online teaching market, its benefits and how you can optimise your online teaching presence.

10th session-Assessment strategies and alternatives
In this session we'll focus on formal and informal assessment strategies like feedback, formative, summative, criterion-referenced, diagnostic, portfolio and others. This will help you collect precious information about your students' progress and base your next teaching decisions upon those results.
Programme's features.
Live sessions!
10 online sessions on Fridays, 17/06, 24/06, 01/07, 08/07, 22/07, 29/07, 05/08, 12/08, 19/08 and 26/08 from 7:00pm-08:30 pm. Some sessions may be longer according to the topic covered and/or on demand.
Each and every session will be recorded so if you miss a session or feel like rewatching it you'll be able to do so as many times as you wish for 2 months.
Dedicated and personalised digital platform!
We'll have a dedicated and personalised platform with extra resources and tasks to consolidade your learning.
Exclusive Telegram group!
You'll have at your fingertips a powerful networking tool conducive to making new professional connections, a disruptive learning experience and direct contact with your tutor.
Free mentoring session!
If you enroll by the 24th of May (by 11:00am) you'll be able to schedule a mentoring session with Julio Vieitas to get support in keeping with your career and your teacherpreneurship!
Your tutor

Your tutor

What is said about us...

Minimum requirements
- 5 mb broadband
- Gmail account
- Laptop or pc
- Microphone and earphone or headsetl

Choose your best investment option
I am an
ELT PLUS member
I'm not an
ELT PLUS member
Limited number os seats;
The programme delivery is in English.
1. Hands on programme that will give you tips and strategies you can use in your next class.
2. Strategic contents that epitomise the DNA of English language teaching.
3. Sessions supported by real life class experience and down-to-earth academic research.
4. Compiled solutions suitable for novice and experienced English teachers.
5. Whatsapp group to boost your networking and share/learn new teaching strategies.
6. Live online sessions that allows you to participate wherever you are.
7. If you miss any session you can watch the reprises 24/7 up to the 10th of September.
8. Official certificate.
9. Direct contact with your tutor (really fast response rate).
10. Dedicated and personalised digital platform to enhance your learning performance.

The investment for this programme is derisory compared to the lasting results you’ll be able to yield. Imagine how much you’ll offer to your students and how many “wow” effects you’ll have in your lessons!
Perguntas mais comuns
Yes, you can take it wherever you are!
We will send you the zoom link and other info on the 16th of July at 8pm.
Sure, just get in touch after the course end to receive your certificate.
Choose your best investment option
I am an
ELT PLUS member
I'm not an
ELT PLUS member
Limited number os seats;
The programme delivery is in English.