Confidence - Expertise - Results
Is this programme for you?

I have some experience
I have some experience teaching English but there’s still room for learning and improvement in keeping with my English communicative skills.

I'm a novice teacher
I’d like to take my English to the next level. I know I’m at the beginnig of my career but Id like to have a broader lexical repertoire and a more strategic communication.

I am a seasoned teacher.
I’ve been teaching English for many years but I feel my English communicative skills got stuck in a comfort zone. I’ve been using the same communicative strategies for years now and would definitely benefit from using new communicative strategies..
What is waiting for you?
I’ll share with you what is used at a proficient level in the realm of English as life skills.
You’ll have support through our live sessions, our materials, your tutor and our Telegram group.
I dont believe in one size fits all solutions. Therefore you’ll get all the personalised support in your journey with me.
Our Telegram group is a place for knowledge sharing and life saving tips that will be posted by me and your peers.
Everything you’ll be exposed to is the result of years in the classroom and an uncountable number of courses attended and ELT books read. Everything shared in this programme can be used in your next lesson.
By using up-to-date teaching techniques you’ll be closer to having that unshakable confidence we all aspire to have as ELT professionals.
A programme designed to help teachers to improve their english aiming for the C1 AND C2 level.
About the programme
- More confidence;
- More development;
- More engagement;
- More expertise.
Programme's features.
Live sessions!
The sessions may last 60 mins, material free and focused on developing your English and your life long skills! The methodological bedrock is Dogme and Task Based Teaching.
Programme length
It's up to your goals! A B2 teacher that aims for a C2 level will take considerably more time a teacher just above the C1/C2 threshold that only wants to cement their C2 level. On the sama token, A B2 teacher that only wants to get to the C1 level will do that in less time than if they wanted to get to the C2 level. Therefore, the duration of the course lies in where you are in terms of the CEFR and how far you want to go 🙂
Course start
This is an "on-demand" programme. Therefore, it's up to you to decide when and in which days we ought to start taking your English to the next level 🙂
Dedicated and personalised digital platform!
We'll have a dedicated and personalised platform with extra resources and tasks to consolidade your learning.
Confidential and personalised
We will delve into topics of your interest. It may be about, self awareness, negotiation, persuasion, professional career or personal life. The goal is to better equip you with confidence and expertise in keeping with your English, aiming for the C1 and C2 level.
It's a one-on-ne programme and everything is confidential. It's a space only for you, your tutor and your communicative possibilities!
Your tutor

Júlio Vieitas is a teacher, teacher trainer, academic manager and project manager certified by Cambridge Exams, London Chamber of commerce and Industry, IH London, Pilgrims, Insper and FGV. He is deeply interested in the interplay between educational management, course design, methods/approaches in the TEFL context and Psychology. He is mainly focused on helping teachers, private teachers, pedagogical coordinators and school managers to have more quality of life and independence through a better understanding of education management and psychologiucal aspects of self development. He’s also president of BRAZ-TESOL Online teaching SIG. He founded Julio Vieitas Consultoria Educacional in 2016.
What is said about us...

Minimum requirements
- 15 mb broadband
- Gmail account
- Laptop or pc
- Microphone and earphone or headsetl

Choose your best investment option
Platinum plan
Sessions every week
1 hour session
Gold plan
Sessions every week
45 min session
Silver plan
Sessions every fortnight
1 hour session
The investment for this programme is derisory compared to the lasting results you’ll be able to yield. Imagine how much you’ll offer to your students and how many “wow” effects you’ll have in your lessons!
Imagine you:
- Presenting your thoughts more effectively;
- Selling your ideas in english with more confidence;
- Communicating without hesitation;
- negotiating in english like a pro;
- Being more assertive yet empathetic;
- Using strategy to get your meaning across!
Perguntas mais comuns
Yes, you can take it wherever you are!
Sure, just get in touch after the course end to receive your certificate.
Choose your best investment option
Platinum plan
Sessions every week
1 hour session
Gold plan
Sessions every week
45 min session
Silver plan
Sessions every fortnight
1 hour session
Limited number os seats;
The programme delivery is in English.